QRZ! Ham Radio 6
QRZ Ham Radio Callsign Database - Volume 6.iso
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Text File
103 lines
1750m.txt misc info on the 1750m band
222xvtr.zip .ps code for KH6CP no-tune 222-MHz xvertr
610_ps.txt postscript code to print an FCC form 610
8085sys.zip 8085 software, from QEX 11/93 and 12/93
amprcord.txt coordinators for packet IP addresses
antenna.txt references for articles about antenna designs
antique.txt misc info about antique radio collecting
bbs_if.txt specifications for message passing protocol
cal_pd_f.txt California police frequencies
callbook.tar Buffalo Callsign Server Source (unix .tar)
carpetlp.txt Antenna for apartments and small spaces
db.txt tutorial on decibels
dj_x1.txt Review of Alinco DJ-X1 scanner
dkt9136.txt info regarding the proposed scanner regs
dx_w2iol.dat data for all country prefix, position, etc
dx_w2iol.doc documentation for the above database
dxcck2di.txt ARRL DXCC country list
elements.txt rules about VE credit for earliers exams
elmeradm.txt quick reference index of elmers
elmers.txt information about the elmers list (see below)
elmers_l.txt list of elmers on the network
exam_ops.txt info on exams and exam opportunities
faq_ham1.txt freq. asked questions - ham radio (pts 1)
faq_ham2.txt freq. asked questions - ham radio (pts 2)
faq_ham3.txt freq. asked questions - ham radio (pts 3)
faq_pkt.txt freq. asked questions - packet radio
faq_sat.txt freq. asked questions - satellites
faq_swl.txt freq. asked questions - shortwave
faqcalls.txt freq. asked questions - callsign server
fft.com EGA/VGA DOS prg for spectral display
ffth.com Hercules DOS command for spectral display
fieldday.txt field day rules for 1992
florida.txt Florida State antenna law info
ham_sat.txt summary of info needed to get on satellite
handicap.txt info on obtaining a handicapped test waiver
hdl_ant.zip Microwave antenna design Sept-Nov 1994 QEX
hf_rigs.txt QST reviews of available HF rigs
ht_info.txt general info about commercial hand helds
introswl.txt info for aspiring short wave listeners
intrscan.txt info for aspiring scanner listeners
j_poles.txt desc. of j-pole antenna made from twin-lead
jlem.zip Program, w/src, for 2kx8 ROM emu (QEX 1/93)
kep_fmt.txt spec for format of keplerian elements
leadbatt.txt essay on lead-acid batteries
licplate.txt guide to ham calls on license plates
lnx5670.zip KH6CP 5760-MHz preamp, Sept 1994 QEX
logos.txt .ps logos for various ham organizations
mail_ord.txt a database of electronic mail order shops
mav11.ps .ps image of MAV-11 amplifier PCB (QEX 9/93)
mfgs.txt names and addrs of ham gear manufacturers
mlhacker.zip newsletters on the MiniSport Laptop Hacker
moto_ge.txt how to get manuals for Motorola and GE rigs
mvt7100.txt Review of Yupiteru MVT-7100 scanner
nasa_tv.txt where you can hear NASA SELECT broadcasts
new_pkt.txt helpful essays for new packeteers
newcomer.txt tips and hints for those new to amateur radio
newsguid.txt desc. of USENET newsgroups on radio
npr93305.txt docket 93-305 (vanity call system)
nprm9385.txt docket 93-85 (message forwarding systems)
oe3000.txt review of the Optoelectronic 3000A
oe_m1.txt review of the Optoelectronic M1 Handicounter
part97_1.txt FCC part 97 amateur regulations (part 1)
part97_2.txt FCC part 97 amateur regulations (part 2)
part97_3.txt FCC part 97 amateur regulations (part 3)
pckthdrs.txt description of BBS message header standards
ph_bbs.txt phone BBSs for ham related issues/software
pkt_gate.txt list of gateways from packet to Internet
pkt_misc.txt miscellaneous packet info
pkt_sw.txt list of packet software versions
pktclubs.txt orgs you can get more packet info from
pool_adv.txt advanced question pool - good before 6/30/95
pool_ext.txt extra question pool - good before 6/30/96
pool_gen.txt general question pool - good before 6/30/94
pool_nov.txt novice question pool - good after 7/1/93
pool_tec.txt technician question pool - good after 7/1/93
pr_92136.txt text of FCC PR Docket 92-136
pro_43.txt Review of Radio Shack PRO-43 scanner
psatool1.zip Updated SPASM21 assembler for AD2115
psatools.zip devel tools for AD PSA sound card chip set
psator19.zip AMTOR/PACTOR for PSA sound cards, Nov, 1994
pshift.zip Phase-shift network analysis program
qex1193.ps Postscript image of 13cm preamp board
qexcvsd.zip CVSD codec card test programs
qexfq194.zip Pascal program for PC frequency counter
qexgport.zip Source code for W9XT's PC game-port A/D
qexhfm.zip HF modem and demo for PSA sound cards
qexmodes.zip mode-s receive converter PCB patterns
qexpad.zip VHF Power Attenuator program
qexsndcd.zip source for "Programming a DSP Sound Card,"
qslburo1.txt information about the ARRL QSL bureau
qslburo2.txt "what should I do" list for the QSL bureau
qst_prod.txt index of ARRL product reviews in QST
rfi_tips.txt good posting about RFI
sol_geo.txt desc of daily solar geophysical broadcasts
soltera.txt glossary of solar-terrestrial terms
stacks.txt information about the question pool stacks
stvwefax.txt general help for SSTV and WEFAX users
tasm.zip table-driven assembler for weavrdsp.zip file
txt2eprm.zip morse code ID generator prog util (QEX 2/94)
usenet.txt tips on buying and selling via USENET
vlf_ref.txt references for info on VLF and ELF radio
weavrdsp.zip src to "Weaver Method Modulator Using DSP"